Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DC Metro- A Commuter's Hell

So, Forbes magazine recently unveiled its list of the worst small towns for commuters in the nation. Anyone who lives in the DC Metro area already knows how bad it is, but my friends that are located in New York and Atlanta tend not to believe me, but the facts dont lie.

Let's first look at the TOP TEN worst small-town commutes:

1. Linton Hall, Va. (average commute time: 46.3 minutes)
2. Brentwood, Calif.
3. Fort Washington, Md. (average commute time: 42.5 minutes)
4. Los Banos, Calif.
5. Clinton, Md. (average commute time: 41.7 minutes)
6. Dale City, Va. (average commute time: 41.3 minutes)
7. Bainbridge Island, Wash.
8. Queen Creek, Ariz.
9. Long Beach, N.Y.
10.Plainfield, Ill.

So basically, as shown above, 4 of the top 10 are located in the DC Metro area. Even worse, 2 of them are my former locale, Prince William County (now do yall see why I spend so much money to be right outside of DC).

The report also notes that the Washington, DC area is "by far the worst part of the country for small-city commutes." Out of the 100 small towns witht he longest commutes, 18 are in Maryland and 10 are in VA.

Click here for the full report: http://www.forbes.com/vehicles/2008/12/09/commute-traffic-town-forbeslife-cx_jb_1209commute.html?partner=contextstory

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wow...A True Air Head

WOW! Thats all I can really say....The video speaks for itself.

If anyone can explain what the hell she is talkin about with the Scientist, Rat, and Cheese, PLEASE break it down for me!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Se Se

To My Dear Cousin Andre-

Happy Birthday man! I know you are in heaven smiling down on us everyday. There is not a day goes by that I don't think about you! I miss everything about you, your smile, our crazy ass conversations, hell...I even miss your the smell of your cologne.

I know you are proud of your big brother...he an Army Man and he's a family man. Eventhough you never had the pleasure of meeting little Alejandro, I know you would've had a blast playing with him and would've treated him like your nephew. Thank you for being a guardian angel for your mother! She needs you now more then ever, especially with EJ gettin ready to move to the West Coast.

Keep lookin down on Grandma and keep her safe. Also, make to send your blessings to Great-Grandma Hawkins, as she celebrates her 90th birthday.

Ha Ha! I can see you up there now, probably mooning someone or just walking around naked! When you see Bear, Brandon, Corey, Grandpa Teddy, and everyone else I hold dear to my heart...tell them I said, "Hey" and that I love them.

Well little cousin....eventhough I know you already know this, but I love you and I miss you dearly. Keep lookin down on me everyday...I need you!

Love Always,


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

For those of you who don't know, I lost my cousin 2 years ago (October 15, 2006). Yesterday, November 30th would've been his 24th birthday. For any of you who know me personally, know that Andre' and his brother EJ are my cousins by blood but are my brothers at heart. Also...the reason why I call him Se Se is because when we were little, I couldn't say Andre' so Se Se was what I would say.

November 30, 1984-October 15, 2008